Hello Friends,
About to share some basic tips for the face. Read below and follow instructions.
Wash Your Face
- It may sound obvious, but washing is a crucial component of healthy skin. Wash your face when you wake up so you don't trap oil or bacteria under your makeup, and then wash cosmetics off your face before you go to bed. Special cleansers containing alpha hydroxy acids (AHA's) can help remove dead skin cells and are antibacterial. Don't wash your face too often (more than two or three times daily), or your skin may start to overproduce its natural oils to compensate for them being removed throughout the day.
Use the Right Products
Using the right products can make a big different in skin health. For most people, it's best to use a gentle cleanser, an antioxidant and a sunscreen in the morning. At night, use a cleanser which contains AHA's and Retinols. Exfoliants can also help slough off dead skin cells, but if your skin is sensitive or acne-prone, you may want to use a very mild exfoliant and rub it very gently into the skin with warm water.
Do Not SmokeSmoking is bad for both your health and the appearance of your skin. It contributes to premature aging, caused by toxins which are absorbed into the bloodstream and taken to the skin's structure. Smoking is also known to thin the skin and reduce collagen, which causes the skin to become wrinkled and the face to look gaunt.
Avoid Sun Damage
- The sun and tanning beds cause UV ray skin damage which cannot necessarily be reversed. When you spend time outside (no matter what the weather is like), wear sunglasses, a skin shield such as a hat, and use sunscreen. Use a sunscreen with SPF 15 or greater, and make sure the active ingredient label list includes titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, or anything in the avobenzone family. Also use a sunscreen made especially for the face. It should be labeled "noncomedogenic," which means that it is designed avoid clogging pores.
- Drinking plenty of water every day helps flush toxins out of your body through your excretory system. If toxins are not flushed out, they can build up within the body and may escape through the pores, contributing to acne and can create horri black circles under your eyes. The Institute of Medicine suggests that men consume about 13 cups of total beverages each day and women consume about nine cups of total beverages per day. You are likely dehydrated if your urine is a dark yellow color.
Reduce Stress
- Stress has a negative effect on the health of your entire body. If you get plenty of sleep each night (seven or eight hours each night for adults), practice deep breathing or meditative exercises, do about 30 minutes each day of moderate exercise, and avoid junk foods, your face will thank you for it.
- If you follow these steps and are still not happy with the appearance of your skin, speak to a dermatologist. A professional can assist you by making recommendations based on your lifestyle and your skin's specific composition.
- Eat lots of Veggies and fruits.
- Try using as less make up as possible, because the more you dab on, the more it will give you and "overdone" look which you would never want.
- While selecting your make up, go for shades that compliment your skin tone and also your personality.
- Avoid using gloss during the daytime. Go for matte lipsticks. In the evening however, you can for for gloss as it looks good.
- Heavy makeup should be avoided during daytime. You can make use o mascara or an eye pencil and that would go perfectly with your lipstick, giving you a simple but decent look.
Till you get our next post, please keep your faces spotless, radiant and glowing.
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